
Far Out Chronic: The Joint of No Return (

Charlie Hong is on the run from both sides of the law. He’s spent the last year in hiding, cultivating one last hare-brained scheme to escape his troubles: a clandestine marijuana operation. Just as he’s about to cash in, his cash crop is stolen by a bright light appearing in the night sky. After catching a ride with one of his plants, he finds himself thrown into a world far stranger than anything he could have possibly imagined.

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The Joint of No Return
(Far Out Chronicles: Book 1) 

Charlie Hong is on the run from both sides of the law.

He’s spent the last year in hiding, cultivating one last hare-brained scheme to escape his troubles: a clandestine marijuana operation. Just as he’s about to cash in, his cash crop is stolen by a bright light appearing in the night sky. After catching a ride with one of his plants, he finds himself thrown into a world far stranger than anything he could have possibly imagined.

Does the stoned stowaway have what it takes to free the Starseed, a massive living spaceship overflowing with bizarre lifeforms, from the clutches of a mysterious force field trapping it in Earth’s orbit?

More importantly, before he decides anything: does he have time to light one up?

“★★★★★ The rip-roaring adventure series Far Out Chronicles kept the G’wark species distracted long enough for us to complete our weapon and wipe out their homeworld. Thanks, Earthling!” — Commander Zrauvvurbu of the Essari Rebellion


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Far Out Chronicles:
(so far)